Monthly Archives: April 2009
Administration Out on a Limb for GM — and for…
As Churchill famously said of democracy, the administration’s new plans for General Motors are a dismal idea, except for all…Continue reading
Administration Out on a Limb for GM — and for…
As Churchill famously said of democracy, the administration’s new plans for General Motors are a dismal idea, except for all…Continue reading
The Political Challenges We Face To Preserve the Earth
It’s Earth Day as I write this, and the challenges to preserve the Earth as we know it are momentous…Continue reading
How the Housing Crisis Can Change National Attitudes
The Great Depression deeply affected the attitudes of the generation that came of age in the 1920s and 1930s. For…Continue reading
Time to Face the Facts: The Economy Probably Won’t Get…
Brace yourself for a very anxious and stormy time, economically and politically, because there’s little prospect that the U.S. economy…Continue reading
Is Cap-and-Trade a Dead Policy Walking?
In his February 24 speech to Congress, President Obama asked members “to send me legislation that places a market-based cap…Continue reading