Monthly Archives: July 2009
July 30, 2009
The Fault Lines in the U.S.-China Relationship
The fault lines in this week’s “strategic dialogue†between American and Chinese leaders remained largely unseen, like a low-grade infection…Continue reading
July 22, 2009
Noticing and Solving the Problem with Jobs and Wages
America’s vaunted job-creating machine has been breaking down, and the administration is finally noticing. It was in 2003 when I…Continue reading
July 15, 2009
Politicians Who Ignore the Problem with Jobs May End Up…
While public debate about jobs usually focuses on the unemployment rate, what matters more are the changes in the number…Continue reading
July 9, 2009
The Lessons of LBJ and Robert McNamara for Barack Obama
Robert McNamara died this week, but his life holds lessons for Barack Obama’s presidency. Arguably the leading light of JFK’s…Continue reading
July 1, 2009
Will Higher Savings Help or Hurt the Economy?
What happens if Americans come out of the current downturn with a serious commitment to save more? There are many…Continue reading